Group Sessions
Body Image & Food Support Group
This group supports adult members in looking at the emotional triggers to eating & body image. We work to remove the shame over failed diets & distorted body image. Over 70 years of research shows that diets do not work. As we begin to look honestly at our underlying needs, we start to put the body image and eating puzzle together. Group size is no more than 8.
Parent Eating Disorder Support Group
This group supports parents in learning effective and compassionate ways to support their child who is struggling with eating disorder symptoms and body shame. Parents will learn how to connect with their child’s struggle around eating, exercising and their body. Additionally parents will gain their own coping mechanisms associated with shame, anger and anxiety related to their child’s struggle. Group size is no more than 8.
Relationship Support Group
This group supports adults in finding their voice and communicating their needs with others. Relationship communication can be difficult even within the most loving and supportive dynamics. When relationships are strained, it can feel impossible to share how we feel or what we need. Together we explore the fears associated with meeting our own needs vs constantly care-taking others. We will move through the fear of rejection so you can stand proud in your truth. Group size is no more than 8.
Adolescent Female Support Group
Being a teenager is today's society comes with pressures that many adults have a hard time understanding. Society is a different landscape for teens today compared with the generation that came before. Many teen girls suffer from increased struggles with self esteem, anxiety, and depression during this time. Some girls have already been experiencing them for years. This year has also added the unique stressors of a worldwide pandemic, leading to isolation, and "life as we knew it" changing overnight. This group will focus on easing these struggles by developing healthy coping skills and building a strong self identity through peer support.
Mature Women’s Support Group
This group focuses on giving women, ages 60 and above, support and guidance in this stage of life. Members will share and receive support from peers around topics such as retirement, aging, parenting adults, new socializing communities and selfcare. The group therapist will provide education and insight for members to utilize weekly.