

Physical Punishment, Emotional Misattunement, Psychological Manipulation, Sexual Violations, Domestic Violence, Accidents, Chronic Illness, Surgeries, Sudden Loss, Bullying, Racism, Discrimination, Abandonment, Neglect, War, Genocide, Natural Disasters

Eating Disorders

Binge Eating, Sneaking Food, Restrictive Eating, Clean Eating, Purging, Over Exercising, Diuretics & Laxatives, Diet Pills, Weighing & Measuring, Calorie Tracking, Food Hoarding, Excessive Food Buying, Chewing & Spitting, Body Distortions, Food Ruminations 


Racing Thoughts, Excessive Worry, Panic, Obsessions, Compulsions, Social Avoidance, Agitation, Hoarding, Skin Picking, Hair Pulling, Insomnia, Restlessness, Wound Up/On Edge, Poor Concentration, Heart Racing, Muscle Aches, Stomach Pains, Migraines  


Self-Deprecation, Hopelessness, Isolation, Low Motivation, Sadness, Irritability, Excessive Fatigue, Sleep Disturbance, Loss of Interest, Poor Hygiene, Low Libido, Decreased Self Esteem, Suicidal Ideation, Self-Harm  


People Pleasing, Perfection Thinking, Care Taking, Enabling, Lack of Boundaries, Lack of Voice, Passive Communication, Controlling Others, Ignoring Self Care, Self-Sacrificing, Fear of Abandonment, Difficulty Identifying Feelings, Difficulty Making Decisions, Making Excuses 

Adolescent Mental Health

Working with adolescents, teenagers, and their family members on social, academic, and/or emotional challenges, addressing anxiety, family conflicts, peer relationships, school stress, transition to college, social media pressures, self-esteem, hopelessness about the future, emotional disregulation

Addressing relationship challenges and life transitions; strengthening communication and feelings of security, desire, connection, and love. Supporting partners in understanding each other’s childhood traumas and difficult life experiences. Education on how these experiences show up in our relationships and parenting styles.

Couples Counseling

Family Counseling

Supporting families in positive, compassionate and direct communication. Helping parents attune to their children’s needs and inner world. Creating and setting boundaries and rules that all members agree and respect. Increasing positive family interactions. 

Group Counseling

Creating a safe environment for honest and vulnerable connection to occur. Education and coping skills related to the group topic. Increasing awareness of group members’ needs and maladaptive coping mechanism.

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

- Carl Jung