
Collaboration with insurance policies requires disclosure of diagnosis and confidential information. Additionally, denials of request for a necessary treatment can interfere with achieving your desired treatment. Due to these limitations, we do not take insurance. We are a fee for service company that provides superbills for all out of network care reimbursements.

Full Scale Rates

Healing Balance Therapy Inc. will gladly provide a superbill for you to submit and receive reimbursement for Out-Of-Network providers.

Amber Monroe, LMFT

  • Individual adult session - $255 / 75 minutes

  • Couples session - $280 / 75 minutes

  • Family session - $280 / 75 minutes

  • Parent Eating Disorder Education - $255 / 75 minutes

  • Group Therapy Session- $75-100 / 75 minutes

Christine Capuano, LCPP

  • Individual adult session - $160 / 50 minutes

  • Clinical Supervision session - $120 / 60 minutes

  • Group Supervision session - $75/ 50 minutes

Michele Bussell, LMFT, APCC

  • Individual adult session - $140 / 50 minutes

  • Couples session- $150 / 50 minutes

  • Group Session- $75/ 60


Healing Balance Therapy Inc. accepts all major credit cards and some HSA cards. Credit Cards are kept on file for your session payment. Clients will be automatically billed on the same day services are rendered. We are open and willing to work with some financial limitations as well as provide superbills for tax or reimbursement purposes.

Cancellation Policy

Healing Balance Therapy Inc. must maintain a firm cancelation policy for ethical and professional considerations. All clients have 24 hours to cancel without a fee. Same day or no show cancelations are charged at full rate.